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Norway is a large Scandinavian country bordered by Sweden, Finland and the Norwegian Sea. With its deep fjords, cascading waterfalls and tall snow-capped mountains, Norway's scenery is unique in the world. As a delegate, you will be living with a Norwegian family and get to experience first-hand Norway's beautiful nature and family culture. States' 4-H partners with 4H Norge for this exchange program.

Program Details

Dates: TBD in 2026; Not scheduled in 2025
In Country Partner: 4H Norge
Ages: 15 - 18 years old

Delegates will arrive in Norway and participate in an arrival orientation in Oslo, which includes sightseeing and an introduction to Norwegian culture and 4H Norge. Delegates will then homestay with a Norwegian family where they can immerse themselves in the Norwegian culture and their host family's daily life. They will also have a chance to attend 4-H National Camp in Norway. The program will conclude with a departure debriefing hosted by 4H Norge.

Program Fees Include: An overnight national departure orientation and national departure debriefing in a U.S. gateway city, arrival orientation with sightseeing and cultural excursions in Oslo, in-Norway expenses (lodging, meals, and transportation), camp fees, orientation materials and States' 4-H t-shirts, accident & sickness insurance, and a portion of adult chaperone expenses.

Basic Timeline:

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Fall Submit your online application to your State Coordinator. Due dates vary by state.
December 15 State Coordinators send recommended applications to the States’ 4-H National Office.
Early January States’ 4-H reviews applications and makes final selection decisions. Space may be limited based on hosting capacity of the partner country. States’ 4-H notifies all applicants of their status.
Spring States’ 4-H books non-refundable international air tickets.
Late Spring Host Family placement is announced.
Summer Students fly to U.S. gateway city for National Departure Orientation the day before international flight.