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Japan is an island nation in East Asia. It has long coastlines with varied scenery, large mountains, and twisted valleys that are inviting to explore. Japan is well-known for being one of the world's leading nations in the areas of technology, innovation, architecture, and popular culture. As a delegate you will be living with a Japanese family and have the chance to experience Japan’s rich and varied culture. States' 4-H partners with two Japanese youth development organizations, Labo and LEX/Hippo Family Club.

Program Details

Japan 8-Week: June 11 – August 8, 2025
Japan 4-Week: July 9 – August 8, 2025

In Country Partners: Labo, LEX

Japan 8 week: 15 - 18 years old
Japan 4-Week: 12 - 18 years old

8-Week Program: Delegates will arrive in Japan and receive an arrival orientation in Tokyo. For the first 4 weeks delegates will attend a Japanese language program (Nihongo, with Labo) and homestay with a host family in the Tokyo area (for the first 4 weeks a host sibling of similar age is not guaranteed). After the first 4 weeks of the 8-week program, delegates will move to a second host family for the regular 4-week homestay program (details below).

4-Week Program: Delegates will arrive in Japan and receive an arrival orientation in Tokyo. Delegates will then stay with a Japanese host family where they can immerse themselves in the Japanese culture and their host family's daily life. During the homestay Labo and LEX delegates will attend camp. The program will conclude with a departure debriefing in the Tokyo area.

Program Fees Include: An overnight national departure orientation and national departure debriefing in a U.S. gateway city, arrival orientation, in-Japan expenses (lodging, meals, and transportation), camp fees, orientation materials and States' 4-H t-shirts, accident & sickness insurance, and a portion of adult chaperone expenses.

Nihongo Program Fees Include: All of the above program fees and an additional 4-week Japan language program with accompanying cultural excursions.

Basic Timeline:

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Fall Submit your online application to your State Coordinator. Due dates vary by state.
December 15 State Coordinators send recommended applications to the States’ 4-H National Office.
Early January States’ 4-H reviews applications and makes final selection decisions. Space may be limited based on hosting capacity of the partner country. States’ 4-H notifies all applicants of their status.
Spring States’ 4-H books non-refundable international air tickets.
Late Spring Host Family placement is announced.
Summer Students fly to U.S. gateway city for National Departure Orientation the day before international flight.