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A vast country located in the southern portion of South America, Argentina is home to varied landscapes and a diverse mix of cultures. Delegates will travel and stay as a group in Córdoba, a vibrant city known for its Spanish architecture and many Universities. Here delegates will explore the city, participate in local 4-H activities, and immerse themselves in everyday life and Argentine culture.

Program Details

Dates: June 19 – July 13, 2025
In Country Partner: Argentina 4H
Ages: 15 - 18 years old

Delegates will stay in a hotel in Córdoba, Argentina for the duration of the program. Each day, participants will engage in a variety of structured group activities including cultural excursions, Spanish language activities, and participation in local 4-H activities. This program model will allow participants to lead, learn, and grow as a cohort throughout their international experience. Particular emphasis will be placed on soccer and orchestra, two of Argentina 4-H's primary youth activities. The program will also include a multi-day 4-H camp in the countryside, and a departure debriefing.

Program Fees Include: An overnight national departure orientation and national departure debriefing in a U.S. gateway city, arrival orientation with sightseeing and cultural excursions in Córdoba, in-Argentina expenses (lodging, meals, and most transportation), multi-day 4-H camp, orientation materials and States' 4-H t-shirts, accident & sickness insurance, and a portion of adult chaperone expenses.

Basic Timeline:

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Fall Submit your online application to your State Coordinator. Due dates vary by state.
December 15 State Coordinators send recommended applications to the States’ 4-H National Office.
Early January States’ 4-H reviews applications and makes final selection decisions. Space may be limited based on hosting capacity of the partner country. States’ 4-H notifies all applicants of their status.
Spring States’ 4-H books non-refundable international air tickets.
Summer Students fly to U.S. gateway city for National Departure Orientation the day before international flight.